• 39 – You’re In Google Hands With Christy

    Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

    I’m Not A
    Marketing Guy



    Chuck is sets his sites on the world wild web, Jurgen calls in with some encouragement and tales of his DVD drive icon struggle,

    Tech Talk

    Dongles are explained without giggles. The many named little blue or red nub pointing stick that sticks out of the middle of laptop keyboard are examined. We also recommend SSD in Jurgen’s call. Windows versioning is discussed or as Steve Gibson on Security Now Windows 10 is a Smear.

    Heat of the Battle

    Christy’s former employer: “We’ll do the website in two weeks but it will take six months”. “Gaming is a lot of video.”

    Originally Broadcast 12/22/2020
    on KNVC 95.1 FM Carson City, NV
    All audio at KNVC.org

    More Info

    95.1 FM / knvc.org
    Tuesdays 8 PM Pacific

    Call 775-241-3571